Life: The Soundtrack

Friday, May 27, 2005

Titty-Bar Studies (New York Dolls)

Today is the final day of my employment at this "establishment" (I use the term loosely). In celebration, John and I went to New York Dolls (I promised Chris I wouldn't use his real name).

This is the first time I've been to a titty-bar in a long time, and certainly the first time during the day. I have mixed reviews.

On the one hand, it was interesting to be there when the place was almost empty (which is a miracle given that it's Fleet Week). The strippers were pretty much all lined up against a wall chatting amongst themselves.

On the other hand, it really sucks to get so much attention from so many strippers, especially knowing all they want is your money for a 30 second lapdance. About every minute we were approached by a new girl with pretty much the same offer (except for the once we were approached by an 8 foot giant who offered backrubs, but we don't think she was really a girl. At least, not originally).

Back on the first hand they do serve liquor, but back on the second hand that means they can't go nude.

My final verdict is the it's a place that delivers exactly what it advertises: slightly busted looking, plastic dolls.

2:30 PM on Fridays at New York Dolls - Not Worth It

Next week I'll review 2:35 PM on Fridays at New York Dolls


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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

No Purpose In Life

I'm kinda pissed off today. Friday is my last day and the only reason I came in today was that I was supposed to be launching a new version of one of my applications. Otherwise I intended on calling in sick with Leprosy or The Plague.

Instead I came in, fed my addiction, and waited for the launch at noon. Around 12.15 I thought it was a little odd that nobody had said anything to me, so I found the PM who told me that it was postponed until Wednesday.

We have these launch windows that we can only do a launch during. Otherwise we might hit storm systems, or the guidance systems might fail, or something might actually work. You know, things we wouldn't expect.

So there was no reason to come in today.


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Monday, May 23, 2005

Another Red-Letter Day

It's been another day of excitement.

I pretty much played Chuzzle for 4 hours this morning, went to lunch, then played Chuzzle for another hour.

Then I discovered something amazing. My Blackberry's web browser is perfect (though a little slow) for perusing websites one handed that are blocked by our content filter at work.

So I spent the next couple hours browsing porn on my Blackberry. I think this is why they're issued.

After all, they do say that porn necessity is the mother of invention


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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Exciting Day

Today has been a whirlwind of inactivity:

I got in...

Got a coffee...

Scratched my ass...

Now I'm on hold with CustomInk, trying to resolve a purchase issue. Once that's done I'll probably go back to playing Rogue or NetHack. All my games and stuff have been moved off my PC so I have to play it off my MP3 player drive, but that's still cool.

Lunch isn't for at least another hour, sooooooo, I think I'll start IMing random people I haven't talked to for years.

Maybe I'll take some time and go up to Grand Central Station and get those cufflinks I've been eyeing...


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Monday, May 16, 2005

Free At Last, Free At Last, Praise Tha Lo'd I's Free At Last

It's been a while since my last update, but this is a big one.

I finally quit my job.

That's right. Enough bellyaching, whining, pussyfooting, and sniveling. It's time to step up to the plate and turn in my badge and my gu..... um..... blackberry.

Which of course means I need a new phone. My current phone is a blackberry deal supplied by the good people at Verizon and subsidized by the chumps I work for used to work for. I've been thinking about a snazzy I-Mate PDA2K (pssssst... if the folks are reading, this would make a great birthday present). It does tons of cool stuff (and would help me keep in touch with my family). Voice, 802.11b, e-mail, and full Windows CE, including the calendar (so I can schedule reminders to call my family). It's cool (and would totally make up for all the forgotten birthday and christmas presents).

Anyway. Until then I've been working on various projects at work. All very critical. Crucial to the business. And once I put the finishing touches on my T-shirt (and matching beanie) I'm going to order a dozen.


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