Plans A, B & C
So I've got a couple plans:
Plan A
I will write blog entries on my phone when I feel like it. I will be more vigilant about uploading these entries upon arrival home. At that point, or possibly later, I will review, edit and stylize my posts (such as adding interesting links). This will keep my blog updated.Plan B
I will go to Macy's to buy a new shirt (coffee was spilled on the one I'm wearing. I haven't made any arrests, but my leading suspect is my left hand. He had the motive and the means) in preparation for a fat-cats night tonight. Afterwards, I will seek a cigar store; again in preparation for fat-cats night. Finally I will browse some blogs I like. This has nothing to do with fat-cats night, but I want to do it and it doesn't warrant a plan of its own.Plan C
World domination.It's important to note that these plans are in no way exclusive of each other. For instance, plans A and C could be combined to great effect. Or plans B and C. Or pretty much any plan and C.
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