Life: The Soundtrack

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Work - Good Thing We Don't Work for NASA

Track/Stream: Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit

The launch last night was less than stellar. Ray's estimate that we would be leaving around 6.45 pm proved to be hauntingly true. In fact I left the building at almost exactly 6.45..... Hawaiian Time. The night seemed to be a case study in me telling people to do things a certain way, they forget, argue, or just straight out don't, I force the issue, and things work.

So we're all back today to do final production testing. Aside from several initial run foibles (incorrect roles assigned, passwords not reset, the building fire alarms going off) things are running pretty smoothly. I haven't had any problems to fix in over an hour and with any luck I'll be out of here around 1.00, home to sleep for a bit, then out for the evening with Lynda.

On a more important note, Andy says I'm a "computer geek" because I posted code in my blog.

You'd think that she would have noticed that before, like during the 8½ years we dated, instead of a year and a half after we broke up.


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