Life: The Soundtrack

Friday, February 18, 2005

Work - Launch

Track/Stream: Live - Lightning Crashes

We launch in T-minus 8 hours, 30 minutes. This is officially the quiet before the storm. Hopefully there won't be a storm as such, but you know what I mean. My morning will be quiet, probably testing bug fixes on my previous project.

In the afternoon I'll do the final build of my new system and deploy it to the target machines. At 4.30 pm the systems I am dependent on come down for their maintainance. At that point I'll bring my system up in order to make sure it starts up and attempts to connect. If that's successful I'll bring it back down and wait for those systems to come back online (around 6.00 pm). Once they're back up, I'll bring my system up, make sure it connects and does everything it needs, then go home. With any luck I'll be gone by 6.30 pm.

Now, because I work in a corporate hell, replace every instance of "I" in the above paragraph with "the appropriate team (with me hovering above their shoulder)." The build team does the build, the deployment team does the deployment, etc.

Developers aren't allowed anywhere near their own code running in production. Kind of a pain in the ass when something needs to be reconfigured, but oh well. I guess they think we'll be too tempted to fix a problem in-flight.

Yeah, we probably would.


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