Life: The Soundtrack

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Work - Non-critical bugs

Track/Stream: Digitally Imported - Deep House

Right now my project is 2 days away from launch. My boss is incredibly paranoid and will believe just about anything you tell him. So he has mandated that, barring any critical bugs, the project is going to launch as-is. Everyone who has any sort of dealing with the project knows this.
So to remove any shadow of doubt, here are examples of critical and non critical bugs:

Critical: Someone can flood the server effectively grinding all activity to a halt

Non-Critical: A tag erroneously identifies a rejection as pertaining to a cancel instead of a modification

Critical: Under typical work-flow conditions, orders are lost

Non-Critical: It is difficult to determine where the logs for the current session begin

Critical: Users can begin World War III with a malformed message

Non-Critical: The service name should be prefixed by two characters (Not the display name, the internal name used when you run net start svc, which is never seen by anyone anywhere and only executed by automated scripts)

For the record, every single one of the non-critical examples above has come up since the code-freeze announcement a week ago. I was asked for every single one if the fix would be launched in production.


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